《仙履奇缘 1950》剧情简介
仙履奇缘 1950是由克莱德·杰洛尼米,威尔弗雷德·杰克逊,汉密尔顿·卢斯科执导,艾琳·伍兹,艾莉诺·阿德里,薇娜·费尔顿主演的一部动画片。主要讲述了:一部经典的迪士尼动画片,取材于格林童话《灰姑娘》。母亲的早逝令灰姑娘仙德瑞拉再也感受不到母爱的温暖,失去了公主般的童年。后母和她的两个女儿,无时无刻不在想方设法折磨仙德瑞拉,给她糟糕的住处、做不完的家
《仙履奇缘 1950》相关评论

「Silence can also be incredibly communicative.」「"If you set out in this world, better be born seven times. Once in a house on fire, once in a freezing flood, once in a wild madhouse, once in a field of ripe wheat, once in an empty cloister, and once among pigs in sty. Six babes crying, not enough. You yourself must be the seventh. When you must fight to survive, let your enemies see seven." — The Seventh by Attila József」